Regulating the Immune System Testimonials
Rob was diagnosed with kidney cancer eight years ago and it became stage 4 kidney cancer about seven years ago. He decided to come to the Gravitational Wellness program as an aspect of alternative therapy, in addition to traditional medicine. Since joining he has been cancer free and feels great. His energy level is outstanding and his core strength has improved dramatically. He doesn’t dare stop because of the results he has had over the years and strongly recommends the program.
Belt Lift: 778 lbs → 1900 lbs
“What appealed to me about the Gravitational Wellness program was its anecdotal benefit of enhancing
the immune system. I had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer, consulted five urologists and decided to do active surveillance. From my own background I knew that strong immune cells will destroy mature cancer cells so, as I adjusted my lifestyle, I added Gravitational Wellness to my routine. Diet and supplements were also modified.
More than eight years later I am
still here. My numbers are good, an MRI confirmed that the disease is in check. Moving into my mid 70’s, I am fit, strong, and continue to explore ways to strengthen my immune system. I don't want more years,
just better years. The Gravitational Wellness program is the cornerstone of my strategy.”
— Dr. Ken / Belt Lift: 726 lbs → 1756 lbs
“After only twelve Gravitational Wellness sessions, I am very pleased that my asthma symptoms have all but disappeared. Even my skeptical allergist has admitted that he is amazed that I no longer require the allergy medications that have been a daily part of my life since locating to the Atlanta area thirteen years ago.”
— Gwendolyn / Belt Lift: 362 lbs → 904 lbs
“I am 68 and have been ill, incapacitated and unable to work for 15 years. I have been to many doctors and alternative medicine practitioners who have given me many diagnoses e.g. chronic fatigue, depression, MCS, low blood sugar...
My beginning Belt Lift was 518 pounds and by my tenth session I could lift 1246 pounds. The results more than justify the 1000+ mile round trip I make each time. My mental and physical energy is improved and I am better able to focus on projects. My friends have noticed that I look healthier and stronger. I consider finding the Gravitational Wellness program to be truly miraculous and life changing. Thanks a lot. ”
— Jack / Belt Lift: 518 lbs → 1246 lbs
“When I started the program 11 weeks ago, I was not doing well. I seemed to be in a permanent flare-up of the symptoms of fibromyalgia. I had no energy, and I mentally felt lower than I had ever felt in my entire life.
Now, 11 sessions later, I feel 100% better. For the past few weeks I have had no or very little pain, I have a lot of energy, and mentally I feel incredibly strong.
I can truly say that the Gravitational Wellness program, in combination with Vladimir’s passion, dedication, and belief have healed me so much.”
— Maria / Belt Lift: 414 lbs → 1038 lbs
“I began Vladimir's program in February of this year, through my mother's recommendation. My father and I currently participate in the program together on a weekly basis. It was recommended to me because I have suffered from leg and joint pain since I was a child. My symptoms include shin splints, leg cramps, joint pains, sleeplessness, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. When I was in kindergarten, doctors told us I should not wear sneakers, or exercise.
Years later, another doctor deduced that I was allergic to milk products. Neither of these diagnoses were correct or helped my problem. Finally, as a teenager I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The upside of learning you have this condition is that your symptoms have a name, and you get the solace of knowing that other people share your symptoms. There is no cure, but now the doctors have instructed me to take naproxen sodium for the leg pain and antidepressant medication for everything else. This is a temporary solution to a long term problem that is predicted to get worse as I age.
During the past year, I have purchased and renovated my first home and dealt with the death of my grandmother, with whom I was very close, and the realization that my other grandmother has Alzheimer’s disease and has since been moved from her home into an assisted living facility. These life changes were very difficult for me to deal with, on top of the pain associated with fibromyalgia.
I believe that by participating in Gravitational Wellness I have strengthened my body and mind. This has enabled me to survive the last year. My body feels good on a regular basis. I am able to sleep and have calmness despite the stress I am feeling. I don't wake up in the middle of the night with leg pains, nor am I fatigued and stiff in the morning and all day. I feel better. Much of the renovation of my home was done by my boyfriend and myself. Prior to starting the program I would never have had the strength, energy, endurance, or peace of mind to accomplish what we have in the last year. I am very appreciative to my mother for the recommendation, and to Vladimir for his program. It has enabled me to survive, and to realize that I do not have to feel bad forever.”
— Anne / Belt Lift: 466 lbs → 1090 lbs
“I have been disabled since 1985 with immune and neuromuscular problems. I must avoid people and most places because of pandemic allergies and have to live in a pure environment with air and water filters. Any exposure to petrochemical fumes, chemicals, tobacco smoke, molds, foods, and pathogens will cause immediate neurological dysfunction with muteness or slurring of words, temporary paralysis of my legs, seizures, asthma and overwhelming fatigue. Sometimes I collapse and cannot communicate or move although I remain conscious. I would need to lie down and sometimes be on oxygen half an hour to a full day to recover the use of my legs and to speak clearly again.
For the last 17 years, I have tried many therapies which could not cure me. They just kept me alive until now. Two months ago I came to Vladimir's Gym on my doctor's recommendation. After the first day I noticed that an acute connective tissue/bone infection in the back of my skull began to clear up. This amazed me because it had been getting progressively worse and no prior treatments had helped. Before one session, there was a slight fragrance from someone in the gym and I began to have a mild seizure and could not stand up without help. Once I began to lift, my speech returned to normal and I could walk again.
I have had nine workouts so far with my beginning weight at 310 lbs. At first I would be chilled to the bone and totally exhausted for days. Not surprising since the tiniest bit of stress on my body has always provoked reactions and collapse. Right after the fourth session, my brain function improved noticeably. Now my body is able to handle almost 700 lbs without causing illness the next day. I feel as though I am 40% better on a scale of 0 to 100 with 100 being my level of well-being before I became ill many years ago.
Each time after lifting, my body will begin to shut down from the stress of weights. I will have the reactions listed above but my body is more resilient now and not as brittle. Whether it is the stimulation of the bone marrow stem cells or just the power of healing unleashed, I have benefited tremendously from Gravitational Wellness in physical health, mental clarity, and a sense of well-being. Thank you, Vladimir Chubinsky, for bringing us something which is brilliant in its simplicity, broad in its application, and works!
— Sharon / Belt Lift: 310 lbs → 674 lbs
“I have suffered from Fibromyalgia for eighteen years. It occurred after a serious back injury subsequent to excessive exercise, i.e, running and aerobic classes. Through the years I have continued with moderate exercise and literally trying everything to manage my pain. I have had success managing pain with the Intracell deep muscle massage device and therapeutic high gauss magnets. The problem was that pain, flare-ups and debilitating fatigue would always reoccur.
I started the Gravitational Wellness program with Vladimir Chubinsky in April during a horrible three month flare up. I was desperate. Ten sessions later, I no longer needed my daily nap, my energy was way up, and I had virtually no pain. Yes, the common ache but not the relentless daily knife stabbing pain! In the six months since I finished my sessions I have had only three or four bad episodes but they only lasted a day or two and I worked them out with the Intracell with no problem. The difference in my well being is night and day. Not having to deal with daily pain, debilitating fatigue and legs of lead has truly been a Godsend.
I have treated Fibromyalgia as a therapist for years so I am well educated with respect to this syndrome. I don't understand how Gravitational Wellness has helped me… it just has.
You should be aware that during my ten sessions I had two SEVERE flare-ups! Vladimir assured me it was just my body changing. Because I trust him, I continued. I feel it may be difficult to convince your patients to try this program, as this population is often leery of any kind of perceived exercise. If you need my help to talk to them please feel free to call upon me. Life is too precious to live it in pain. I encourage everyone to try the Gravitational Wellness program.”
— Dee, M.Ed., M.A. / Belt Lift: 466 lbs → 1038 lbs
“Before my first session, I was diagnosed with metastatic renal cell carcinoma with a metastasis to the lung (one lesion), a lesion in the left adrenal gland, and a suspicious mass in the pancreas. I was told by my oncologist in June of 2000 that I had a 50% survival rate without interferon or interleukin by February, 2001 and a 50% survival after August, 2001 with drug therapy.
I have had CT scans taken before starting Gravitational Wellness, and after 12 and 24 sessions after starting September 11th.
The only therapy I have chosen is Gravitational Wellness and after over 25 sessions, I am pleased to report that the metastasis in the lung has completely disappeared, the pancreas is clean, and the primary lesion to the left adrenal has not grown at all. Furthermore, I am living symptom free and have more energy than when I was diagnosed with terminal cancer in June of 2000.
I am convinced that God has been at work in my current health condition, but I am equally convinced that God has used the program to help bring about a positive change to my condition. I am also personally aware of others who have been suffering from a variety of conditions that have stumped the medical community but whereby the program has brought about unimpeachable positive change.
I want to thank Vladimir for the meaningful impact this program has had on my disease, my energy level, and how well it has complimented my spiritual condition as well.”
— Michael / Belt Lift: 674 lbs → 1454 lbs
“Until 2010, I never had any problems with my back or neck. In the summer of 2010, I took a nearly six-foot fall onto my back. After attending Grady Hospital in Atlanta, I was found to have a mild concussion, but no other structural problems.
In January of 2011, I was experiencing uncomfortable back and neck pain. X-rays and MRI's were conducted in Athens, but nothing was found to be wrong. Doctors could feel the knots that developed in my neck, shoulders, back and jaw. However, they could find no identifiable cause for them or my pain. In September of 2011, the pain became so great that I was unable to work. Leaving my job, I was spending 20+ hours per day in bed in severe pain. My limbs were at times numb and at other times experienced a burning/tingling sensation that was just awful. What little time I was able, I was being carted to different doctors for a gamut of tests.
Throughout 2012 I experienced nerve conduction tests, blood-work, and various physical exams. I was treated at Emory, Northside Hospital of Atlanta, and in physical therapy. After a diagnosis of Dystonia and later Fibromyalgia, I was put on high dosage of Cymbalta and Lyrica. Both caused me to endure horrible side effects, and it took me months to get off of them. I began to lose hope.
The treatments I found most helpful for my pain, before coming to Vladimir, were an adjustment by my chiropractor, physical therapy, sessions with a counselor for support, and rest. I was attending the chiropractor a few times per week, doing physical therapy everyday, and resting most other times. The pain was unbearable, but somehow I bore it.
My father actually got us in to see Vladimir after meeting coincidentally through his work. At first I was quite skeptical, because I had been let down by so many other therapies and treatments. However I cannot argue with the results. At my first session, I lifted 400+ pounds! I couldn't believe it.
As I was unable to drive, it was difficult for me to complete the sessions weekly. Sometimes, I would go 3-4 weeks between sessions, but I've been blessed to have friends and family that would come drive me. It took months, but I've now completed 10 sessions.
I was told by one doctor I would never walk again and probably be in bed the rest of my life. Last month, September of 2013, I was able to walk down the aisle and dance at my wedding. During my last session, I lifted 934 pounds and am still working for more. On the weeks when I make it to Vladmir's, I can spend 5-7 hours per day doing some activities! On weeks when I don't, my pain is much worse and I get maybe a third of that time that I'm able to do things. Traveling is still hard, but I'm able to drive myself short distances again. I feel as though I'm getting my life back and I would encourage others to give Gravitational Wellness a try as well."
— Jessica / Belt Lift: 414 lbs → 934 lbs
"In 1998 I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and was cancer free for eighteen months. I had a recurrence in 2000 and needed a stem cell transplant. I had an autologous stem cell transplant at Dana Farber and thankfully have been cancer free for the past ten years.
It took about a year for my body and blood counts to begin to recover from the transplant, but for the most part I felt very good and was happy to be post treatment. The transplant made me a little more susceptible to infection because my white cell count was still low. I suffered a few bad bouts of the flu and had some recurring sinus infections. However, as time went on this seemed to get better, but the white cell count was still on the low side. A white cell count between 4,000-10,000 is considered normal and my count was somewhere in the high 3,000 range.
I wanted to get this cell count up to somewhere in the 5,000 range and asked my doctor if there was anything I could do to help aid my cell count recovery. He said there was nothing I could do; that it would just take time. I have a wonderful doctor at the Winship Cancer Institute. He has seen me through so much and I trust him with my health, but I was curious about alternative or adjunct therapies and this is how I came to find out about Vladimir Chubinsky and the Gravitational Wellness program.
A dear friend of mine had been working with Vladimir for several years and she reported to me that she has never had more energy or felt better. She recommended I try a session.
I met with Vladimir in August 2009 and he told me that the program he offers could help me with my white cell count as well as my overall health and well being. He told me that the program would help to strengthen my core and stimulate bone marrow for better cell production. I was quite weak in the beginning in the weight lifts. I was only able to lift 362 pounds, but over a period of one year, coming once a week, my core lift weight has improved to 904 pounds. My cell counts started to improve as well. I recently had my blood counts drawn and my white cell count is currently at 5,500. In addition to my improved cell counts, my bone density scores also improved.
I am very pleased with the results. I feel better and have more energy. I would highly recommend Gravitational Wellness for anyone who is looking for optimal health."
— Denise, Cancer Survivor, Winship Cancer Center Advisory Board Member / Belt Lift: 362 lbs → 956 lbs
"Approximately 5 years ago, I heard about Vladimir and the Gravitational Wellness program. I was desperate to find some relief from the pain and other symptoms associated with endometriosis, an incurable disease that I had struggled with for almost 10 years.
Over the years, I had many surgeries that only offered short term relief before the pain would return. Ultimately, I would end up with surgery over and over again to remove the endometriosis that would return with a vengeance each time. It has eaten a hole through my pelvic lining to my pelvic wall. It has invaded my intestines and even attached itself to my ribs on one occasion.
Within a year of each surgery, the pain would return and I would repeat the temporary treatments that did not manage the pain very well and only delayed the inevitable surgery that followed. Induced menopause on three different occasions didn’t work to alleviate the pain, so going through surgically induced menopause wasn’t an option for me.
I was also diagnosed with asthma in 2006. The combination of Singulair and Claritin D managed the asthma well, but the wheezing in my chest would return if I missed one dose of medication. Insomnia is another condition I had struggled with since childhood and managed with medication as an adult.
I was emotionally and physically drained when I first met Vladimir. I desperately needed this program to help with my endometriosis. Imagine my surprise when it helped with so much more. After several sessions with Vladimir, I could feel something changing. I had more energy. I was sleeping better. The sharp stabbing pain I experienced daily in my stomach was lessening. After 10 – 12 sessions, my pain was completely gone. I have not taken medication for Asthma or insomnia since completing my sessions 5 years ago, and the wheezing in my chest has never returned. Best of all, I haven’t had surgery for endometriosis in 5 years.
This program has been life changing for me. I occasionally return to the Gravitational Wellness center because of the positive changes I feel emotionally and physically after completing a session. I am thankful that Anatoly Samodoumov created this program and chose Vladimir as his student. I will be eternally grateful to Vladimir for bringing this program to the United States and providing a way for me and many others to experience a better quality of life as a result of this program."
— Tracy / Belt Lift: 414 lbs → 1112 lbs